API Reference#


Top-level access to simplified readers across all modules.


Fetch a lexicon as a pandas.DataFrame.


Fetch a LIWC scores dataset as a pandas.DataFrame.


Fetch a manually-extracted table as a pandas.DataFrame.



Fetch and read the Honor LIWC dictionary.


Fetch and read the Threat LIWC dictionary.



LIWC scores from Bainbridge & Dale, 2023, PLOS One, Thinking about life in COVID-19: An exploratory study on the influence of temporal framing on streams-of-consciousness, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0285200


LIWC scores reported in Barrett, 2020, Dreaming, Dreams about COVID-19 versus normative dreams: Trends by gender, doi:10.1037/drm0000149.


Fetch (download) the Cariola 2010 dataset and preprocess it for LIWC analysis.


Pearson, Graff, Bai, Jakubowski, and Belfi, 2023, Memory, Differences in autobiographical memories reported using text and voice during everyday life, doi:10.1080/09658211.2022.2162084



Barrett, 2020, Dreaming, Dreams about COVID-19 versus normative dreams: Trends by gender, doi:10.1037/drm0000149


Cariola, 2010, unpublished paper, Assessing the latent linguistic structure of oral dream narratives, url:https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/assessing-the-latent-linguistic-structure-of-oral-dream-narrative


Cariola, 2014, Imagin Cogn Pers, Lexical tendencies of high and low barrier personalities in narratives of everyday and dream memories, doi:10.2190/IC.34.2.d


Hawkins II & Boyd, 2017, Dreaming, Such stuff as dreams are made on: Dream language, LIWC norms, and personality correlates, Dreams about COVID-19 versus normative dreams: Trends by gender, doi:10.1037/drm0000049


Mariani et al., 2023, Psychoanal Psychol, Referential processes in dreams: A brief report from a COVID-19 dreams analysis, doi:10.1037/pap0000420


McNamara et al., 2015, Dreaming, Aggression in nightmares and unpleasant dreams and in people reporting recurrent nightmares, doi:10.1037/a0039273


Meador et al., 2022, Appl Cognit Psychol, Lexical tendencies of high and low barrier personalities in narratives of everyday and dream memories, doi:10.1002/acp.3976


Niederhoffer et al., 2017, CLPsych, In your wildest dreams: the language and psychological features of dreams doi:10.18653/v1/W17-3102


Paquet et al., 2020, Dreaming, A quantitative text analysis approach to describing posttrauma nightmares in a treatment-seeking population, doi:10.1037/drm0000128


Parameters table str Name of table to fetch. version str or None Name of version. If None (default), fetches the latest version. load bool or callable If False (default), fetch the file and return the local filepath. If True, fetch the file and load it as a pandas.DataFrame. If a callable, fetch the file an load it with the custom callable. **kwargs dict, optional :11: (WARNING/2) Inline strong start-string without end-string. Additional keyword arguments are passed to pooch.retrieve().


Parameters table str Name of table to fetch. version str or None Name of version. If None (default), fetches the latest version. load bool or callable If False (default), fetch the file and return the local filepath. If True, fetch the file and load it as a pandas.DataFrame. If a callable, fetch the file an load it with the custom callable. **kwargs dict, optional :11: (WARNING/2) Inline strong start-string without end-string. Additional keyword arguments are passed to pooch.retrieve().


Parameters table str Name of table to fetch. version str or None Name of version. If None (default), fetches the latest version. load bool or callable If False (default), fetch the file and return the local filepath. If True, fetch the file and load it as a pandas.DataFrame. If a callable, fetch the file an load it with the custom callable. **kwargs dict, optional :11: (WARNING/2) Inline strong start-string without end-string. Additional keyword arguments are passed to pooch.retrieve().


Parameters table str Name of table to fetch. version str or None Name of version. If None (default), fetches the latest version. load bool or callable If False (default), fetch the file and return the local filepath. If True, fetch the file and load it as a pandas.DataFrame. If a callable, fetch the file an load it with the custom callable. **kwargs dict, optional :11: (WARNING/2) Inline strong start-string without end-string. Additional keyword arguments are passed to pooch.retrieve().


Parameters table str Name of table to fetch. version str or None Name of version. If None (default), fetches the latest version. load bool or callable If False (default), fetch the file and return the local filepath. If True, fetch the file and load it as a pandas.DataFrame. If a callable, fetch the file an load it with the custom callable. **kwargs dict, optional :11: (WARNING/2) Inline strong start-string without end-string. Additional keyword arguments are passed to pooch.retrieve().