read 📖 or die 🗡

Need motivation to read? Want some writing practice? Join this group and be held accountable to read and write about 1 academic paper per week.

It's also a way to become a bit more familiar with GitHub if you want that.

You put some money into a pot, and get it back if your write a blogpost about an academic article of your choosing. If you fail, your money stays in a cumulative plot that we – as a group – decide what to do with after it reaches a reasonable amount.

Your posts will be posted publically here for your eternal perusing.

  1. By Monday 23:59, add $5 to the money pool and you're committed for the week.
  2. Write 1 blog post, push it to your fork of the GitHub repo, and submit a pull request by Sunday 23:59.
  3. If you complete step 2:
     You live, and your $5 is returned by the next day.
     You die, and your $5 stays in the cumulative money pool.

More details about how to set up the GitHub repository, submit a blogpost.

Join the email list.