Geier 2010 Cerebcortex

Written by macmitch

Tags: #reward, #inhibition, #adolescence

Geier, C. F., Terwilliger, R., Teslovich, T., Velanova, K., & Luna, B. (2009). Immaturities in reward processing and its influence on inhibitory control in adolescence. Cerebral cortex, 20(7), 1613-1629.

Background: The authors suppose that two primary systems largely contribute to risk-taking during adolescence: reward processing and inhibitory control. Past work has demonstrated that reward processing is dynamic with at least two stages: anticipatory processing (initial detection and evaluation) and consummatory processing (post reward processing relative to prediction). Additionally, development of dopamine systems across adolescence (increased DA inputs to PFC, shift from mesolimbic to mesocortical DA systems, density of DA transporters peaks) likely contributes to the interactions between these systems.

Methods: The authors used an antisaccade task with monetary incentives and two partial “catch” trial variants to separably look at brain activity during three phases: cue identification, response anticipation, and response feedback. Eyetracking was used to measure performance on the antisaccade task; variables of interest are (1) correct AS latencies, (2) incorrect AS latencies, (3) correct AS response rate ((1 – [inhibitory failures])/[total scorable trials]).

fMRI data was deconvolved with 6 orthogonal regressors of interest (reward cue, neutral cue, reward prep, neutral prep, reward saccade response, neutral saccade response, correct AS trials only) and an impulse response function was estimated (IRF) for each regressor of interest to reflect the estimated BOLD response to each type of stimulus after controlling for the others. ROIs were determined a priori for reward (vStr, OFC, vmPFC) and oculomotor control (sPCS, iPCS, paraCS, dACC, cACC, IPS, putamen, dlPFC). Ran an ANOVA on the IRF timecourses with time, incentive, and age as factors.

Behavioral Results:

fMRI Results:

Discussion: Most notably, adolescents (compared to adults) showed attenuated activity in VS during the cue, and greater activity in the VS and sPCS during response preparation on reward trials. Accompanied with the result that adolescents (compared to adults) improved correct response rate during the reward trials, the authors take this to mean that adolescents may be particularly sensitive to reward modulation on inhibitory control (compared to adults).

While adults and adolescents recruited a largely similar network of brain regions during the task, adolescents showed differential recruitment of reward and control regions suggesting immaturities in both reward and inhibitory control.
