Camare 2009 Fronthumneuro

Written by macmitch

Tags: #reward, #punishments, #OFC, #vStr, #NAcc

Camara, E., Rodriguez-Fornells, A., & Münte, T. F. (2009). Functional connectivity of reward processing in the brain. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2, 19.

Goal: The authors sought to address discrepancies in networks of brain regions recruited during the processing of gains and losses.

Methods: They administered a monetary reward gambling fMRI task with added special trials: unexpectedly large gains/losses and same magnitude unexpected stimuli change to adults in order to capture response to uncertainty as well as to the gains and losses. They conducted a univariate analysis to look at the overall pattern of activation for gains v losses. Importantly, they also utilized beta series correlations to examine whole brain functional connectivity with the ventral striatum with regard to specific task-based events.


